Economic Development Week logo for promoting eventTopeka is joining cities nationwide to increase awareness of jobs and career development programs that enhance local economic impact by participating in 2018 National Economic Development Week!

Economic Development is defined by IEDC as a set of programs and policies that aid in the creation, retention and expansion of jobs; the development of a stable tax base; and the enhancement of wealth. GO Topeka knows that this is at the core of well-being and quality of life for our community. That’s why we’re excited about projects like the East Topeka Learning Center and provide incentives to help companies create new jobs, provide job training and assistance with infrastructure. 

#EconDevWeek was created and is coordinated by the International Economic Development Council, the largest professional membership organization for economic developers. Earlier this year, GO Topeka earned the Accredited Economic Development Organization status with IEDC which establishes GO Topeka as a leading authority on economic related issues. To become AEDO accredited GO Topeka had to go through a peer-reviewed assessment that included examinations of internal and external operations, evaluations of structures and procedures, as well as site team visits. In a competitive and challenging economic environment, it’s vital to show that we’re at the top of our field.

GO Topeka and The Greater Topeka Partnership are excited to participate in National Economic Development Week from May 7-12!


Local Economic Development  in the News

Go Topeka program connects Kansas small businesses with government contracts 

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