METL is a regional coalition of the Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka, and
Lawrence Chambers of Commerce, which seeks to leverage the
combined strength of nearly 3,000 member businesses and
organizations, represented by 30 elected representatives and senators
in our region.
2025 Legislative Priorities
Workforce Development. The METL coalition understands that workforce development must incorporate elements of strong quality of life to attract and retain talent. Therefore, programs that address significant community challenges and bolster up our labor market are essential to ensuring success in this area. Measures that address the issues of housing, homelessness, immigration, childcare and early education are of importance to our region. This includes housing incentives for rural and urban communities, directing funding to support local municipalities in addressing issues of homelessness.
Technical Colleges. When it comes to training our next workforce and attracting more skilled jobs to our state, Kansas technical colleges are at the forefront. For more than 50 years, our state’s technical colleges have trained and prepared students to meet the ever-changing demands of today’s employers. Support measures to spur an increase in career, technical, and trade education in the region access. Support measures that continue to build up dual enrollment or concurrent enrollment programs. Support the HIRED pilot program, and continuation of funding for apprenticeships and business partnerships.
Childcare. The METL Coalition supports efforts to streamline existing employer programs that are designed to increase accessibility and affordability. We support efforts that ensure quality childcare and early education is readily available in our region. In addition to workforce development that attracts and retains talent in the childcare industry.
Fiscally responsible taxation. METL supports a tax policy that encourages business growth and is competitive with surrounding states. This includes seeking ways to make state tax reporting requirements more business friendly, especially for small businesses.
Transportation. Protect existing transportation funding sources (sales tax, fuel tax, bonding, vehicle registration fees, etc.) Undiminished funding of the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation.
Military. Strengthening the Governor’s Military Council. The GMC is a key partner working to grow and optimize the military presence in Kansas. GMC leverages this growth into additional defense related industry and jobs.
Medicaid Expansion. KanCare expansion will help stimulate the economy and create thousands of jobs.
Juliet Abdel
Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce
Jeanine McKenna
President & CEO
Emporia Chamber of Commerce
Jason Smith
President & CEO
Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce
Bonnie Lowe
President & CEO
Lawerence Chamber of Commerce