Michelle Cuevas-Stubblefield, SVP of strategy, Greater Topeka Partnership, has been selected by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) to participate in a unique leadership development opportunity with nine other chamber of commerce professionals from communities throughout the United States.
The Chamber Leadership Diversity Program is an immersive executive development program that provides chamber of commerce professionals with education and networks to advance their careers, contribute to the future of the industry and create meaningful change in their communities.
“Michelle’s leadership has been pivotal to the success of the Partnership and our community’s continued momentum,” said Matt Pivarnik, CEO of the Greater Topeka Partnership. “Her participation in this program is recognition of her achievements and is an excellent investment in her continued professional development. The insight and connections she will take from this program will directly impact her work and the benefit she brings to Topeka & Shawnee County.”
Over the course of the three-year program, participants will engage in a range of professional development opportunities designed to equip them with knowledge of best practices in chamber leadership, a strong peer network and national connections to advance their work.
“I am excited for the opportunity to learn and network with leadership from across the nation, help advance diversity in an industry that directly impacts ones community and build relationships and industry knowledge that will benefit Topeka & Shawnee County,” said Cuevas-Stubblefield.
“Increasing diversity and inclusion throughout the chamber industry remains a top priority for ACCE,” said Sheree Anne Kelly, ACCE’s president and CEO. “We are excited to bring together this impressive group of chamber leaders who bring a variety of skills and depth of knowledge to the program. In addition to providing robust professional development and a strong peer cohort experience, we will leverage their participation as a sounding board on issues critical to the future of the chamber industry.”
Leaders selected to participate in the Chamber Leadership Diversity Program represent a variety of chamber roles and communities across the country.
About Greater Topeka Partnership
The Greater Topeka Partnership serves as the umbrella agency of seven distinct efforts that support the enhancement of economic development and quality of life in Topeka and Shawnee County. They include: Downtown Topeka, Inc; Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce; GO Topeka; Forge Young Professionals; Minority and Women Business Development; Momentum 2022 ; and Visit Topeka, Inc.
About the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives
The Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, founded in 1914, serves more than 7,500 chamber of commerce professionals, and 1,300 chambers of commerce or similar organizations, around the world. ACCE’s members come from nearly each of the largest 100 metropolitan regions in the United States. Based in Alexandria, Virginia, the mission of ACCE is to support chamber professionals so they can lead their communities. Learn more about us by visiting www.ACCE.org.
For more information about ACCE’s professional development Divisions, visit https://www.ACCE.org/networks/divisions/.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Bob Ross at Bob.Ross@TopekaPartnership.com.