ambassador spotlight Ambassador NameBio/story Apply today Fill out the form below or click here to download a paper form. Please return the completed form to Alli Ortega by email. Your Name Title/Position Work Phone Cell Phone Email Employer Business Address If you were recruited by a current Ambassador or GTP staff member, what is their name? What is one thing people should know about Topeka? Why do you want to join the Ambassador Program? What will you bring to the table as an Ambassador? How do you find it to be beneficial to be a member of the Greater Topeka Partnership? About you: Birthday About you: Favorite Restaurant About you: Favorite Snack About you: Favorite Place to Shop in Topeka About you: Favorite Hobby About you: Favorite Color About you: Favorite Place to Go in Topeka Check below to verify the following: I have read and reviewed the Ambassador application and understand what is expected of me, should I be accepted into the program. I agree to follow the code of conduct and represent the GTP and our community in a professional and positive manner. Should I fail to follow the code of conduct or no longer meet the requirements of the program, I understand I will be relieved of my duties and dismissed from the program at the discretion of the GTP. I understand that there is a 2 hour commitment each month to stay in the ambassador program and fulfill all duties and responsibilities. I have reviewed the above information with my supervisor, if applicable, and have approval to join the Ambassador program. Submit