In an effort to advance the process of the East Topeka Learning Center project, GO Topeka has partnered with Ketchum Global Research & Analytics to glean information directly from the Topeka community.

The project started by reaching out via a telephone survey asking for volunteers to be a part of a focus group. Many who were called were receptive to being a part of a 90-minute focus group.

The objectives of the focus groups are to further understand the needs of East Topeka community residents in their own words in regards to the East Topeka Learning Center project and validate the findings and market segments from the survey.

Some of the questions asked of the participants were written to better understand both the desire and the barriers to continuing education. Some examples include:

  • Would you consider taking a course for continued education or job training?
  • If you were interested in taking a course, what would be most important to you when deciding whether or not to take it?
  • What are some potential barriers you could see affecting your decision to take a course?

Also of interest is gaining a better understanding of overall feelings related to job and education opportunities in Topeka.

  • How do you feel about educational opportunities in Topeka currently?
  • If you were to take a continued education or job training course now, where would you consider taking it?

And specifically, in relation to the East Topeka Learning Center project.

  • Would you be interested in taking an educational course at this new community campus?
  • What types of courses do you think should be offered?

The findings from these focus groups will be compiled and analyzed, then reported back to staff. It is our hope the information gained will be a guide in the process. GO Topeka will continue to update as we move forward in this process.